Tuesday, August 16, 2011

SGALGG: Hanily Edition

Lots of co-stars get along. And thank heavens for that, because not everyone is a good enough actor to fake it through a whole season of TV. But some, they’re especially close. Like Straight Gals Acting Like Gay Gals close. Like Achele close. OK, I can’t think of a close than Achele. But Hanily is pretty darn close. That is Hanna and Emily from “Pretty Little Liars.” Co-stars Shay Mitchell and Ashley Benson are by all appearances great friends on set and off. And when I say by all appearances, I mean by all of the pictures they tweet out. Seriously, those two take more pictures together than most married couples I know. Think I’m kidding? I am so not.

Here they are all splendor in the grass.

And here they are again.

And again.

And, yes, again.

Also, have you noticed Ashley is almost always on the left and Shay on the right? I mean, come on, they even have their own sides. Hell, they even have themes.

With Sunglasses

With Food

With Costumes/Outfits

With Ashley on the Right

Heck, Ashley even ships their characters together. When asked by Just Jared Jr. who Hanna should end up with, she made Hanily shippers hearts go pitter patter.
JJJ: Who does Hanna really belong with?

AB: Caleb! No, Emily, I mean…(laughs)

Look, I liked Maya and I liked Paige and Samara is, well, blonde. But “Pretty Little Liars” should really consider making Hanily happen. Because you can’t fake chemistry like this. Also, no lying, aren’t they just the prettiest little couple ever?

Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell

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