Monday, November 21, 2011


The Greens say the Federal Government has paid too high a price in securing crossbench support for its proposed mining tax.
Independent MPs Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor today announced they would support the Mineral Resource Rent Tax with concessions, giving the Government the numbers to pass the tax through the Lower House.
Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windor will vote for the tax in exchange for a $200 million package designed to boost environmental safeguards around coal seam gas development.
But it is a deal with Tasmanian MP Mr Wilkie that has got the Greens threatening to withhold their crucial support in the Senate.
Mr Wilkie struck a deal with Prime Minister Julia Gillard to raise the threshold of the tax from $50 million to $75 million and phase in another increase to $125 million for small companies.
He says the Government estimates it will cost $20 million a year or $100 million over the full five-year estimate.
But Greens Leader Bob Brown has demanded the tax be "revenue neutral" and the extra money be accounted for.
"Twenty million dollars is 200 or 300 nurses or teachers sacked off the payroll.
Andrew Wilkie might explain that to the nurses at the Royal Hobart or the teachers at Ogilvie High," Senator Brown told reporters.
"Giving a free $20 million back to the mining industry - and these are corporations turning in a profit of over $100 million a year - isn't something we are going to entertain.
"The bill will have our support if it's revenue neutral, so it's up to the Government to be creative in these circumstances.
We're sure they can be." Government sources have told PM the Government will offset the $20 million-a-year concession to small miners from somewhere else in the budget and will reveal the funding source when the budget is updated soon.
But Greens MP Adam Bandt says his position on the mining tax has shifted from "yes" to "undecided".
He says while his focus is not on blocking the tax, he finds the concession to Mr Wilkie astonishing.
"Our support for this bill and my vote in particular has moved from the yes camp to the undecided camp, because this is a further watering down of something we have said we would not accept," he told Parliament.
"But Mr Deputy Speaker as I have, said the Greens are seeking to improve this bill." 'Deal at any price' Mr Wilkie says 20 to 30 companies will pay the tax when it reaches the $125 million threshold.
"That will go some way to making for a fairer tax for the small mining companies," he said.
"At the end of the day they are the companies that are going to become the big companies." Mr Wilkie said he was unable to negotiate any change to the depreciation provisions, but accepted the Government had negotiated in good faith.
Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce says it all goes to prove one thing.
"Who is running the show? Who would know? Every day it's just a cavalcade of the stars in the courtyard," he said.
Senator Joyce says the Government would strike a deal at any price.
"It's just becoming quite evident that we are not run by a government, but we are run by a collection of ideas that coalesces in the courtyard and then becomes policy of our nation within 24 hours," he said.
Coal seam concession Mr Windsor's secured his demand for independent environmental research into the effects of coal seam gas mining and coal mining on farming, groundwater and the natural landscape to determine where it is safe to proceed.
Ms Gillard has promised to set up an independent expert scientific committee to drive the bioregional assessments and mining approvals, costing $150 million from the mining tax over the next five years.
She is seeking a deal with the states when they next meet in February.
If they agree to a Commonwealth-led national partnership, Ms Gillard is promising reward payments of up to $50 million, with the biggest payments for states facing the greatest potential effects from mining on their water resources.
If the states do not agree the Government is threatening to introduce legislation creating a trigger for Commonwealth intervention to do the assessment work itself.
Mr Oakeshott says he believes the states will agree to the proposal.
"Carrot beats stick every time.
The incentive payments through the COAG process will be very attractive to the states," he said.
Mr Windsor also wanted a moratorium on all coal seam gas exploration and mining until the scientific research has been done, but he was not able to secure the Government's support.
However he says his agreement with Ms Gillard will send a signal to that effect.
Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windsor will be part of a new working group on water, soil and food that will report to Cabinet by mid-next year on how to deal with problems arising from the expanding demand for resources.
Ms Gillard has asked the GST distribution review to look into a mechanism to penalise and discourage states from jacking up their mining royalties any further.

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