Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Endless Saga of Ron Paul vs. the Media

The Endless Saga of Ron Paul vs. the Media
the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media 
COMMENTARY | What gives with Ron Paul and the media? It's ironic that the man who claims to not get enough press then turns around to complain about the type of press he's getting and walks off yet another interview. It's almost becoming a trend for him.
the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media
The Cutline reported that Paul once again complained that the media give him unfair coverage, or ignores his campaign completely. That couldn't be further from the truth, but he'll never accept that. The GOP campaign is a little crowded and coverage is given to those who merit it. The problem isn't that Paul's campaign isn't receiving fair coverage. The problem is they don't like the coverage they are receiving.
the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media
When a candidate has a good idea, the media generally give that the attention it is due. Similarly, when a campaign is championing a bizarre idea, that, too, will get attention. I've deliberately endeavored to cover Paul's campaign with an open mind. I think the man has some good ideas. I'd love to see a scale back in U.S. military bases around the world. And, Paul is right on the money with his ideas to end all foreign aid and start over. To the extent possible, we should engage with Iran instead of continuing 30 years of diplomatic silence. And, the Federal Reserve does need more careful monitoring.
the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media
But, think he has some bizarre ideas too. Abolishing the Federal Reserve is just ridiculous. There is no chance that Congress would approve such a measure and no support for it outside of Paul himself. Beginning a national dialogue is fine, but why waste time talking about an issue that has zero possibility of enactment?
Paul's campaign manager Jesse Benton asked for some courtesy from the press during the waning days of the New Hampshire primary. "We ask the press…to be respectful of both Dr. Paul and of New Hampshire voters, who are entitled to examine their candidates in a safe and responsible atmosphere." Moments later, Benton cut short an interview between Paul and CNN reporter Dana Bash saying "This is junk…We're stopping."
the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media
Well, you know what? The media deserve similar consideration from Paul and his followers.
People are going to have disagreements. That is to be expected in the political arena. The problem isn't with the media. The problem is with a campaign that can't accept hearing anything remotely critical of its own agenda.

the endles saga of ron poul vs. the media

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